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CVS Mini Haul (Marc Anthony Easy Lites and more hair products)

I have been going to CVS so much lately. When I mean "so much", I literally mean SO MUCH. I go to CVS several times a week. It's terrible haha!

I believe this was two weeks ago. 

I wanted some highlights but I was going to the salon soon then. I decided to experiment with my hair before I get everything chopped. I looked up some easy highlighting kits and decided to get the Marc Anthony Easy Lites. While I was at CVS, I ended up picking up several other things because they were too cheap to pass up.

This is how the box looks like.

Click on the picture to zoom if you can't read it.

It comes with gloves, a spray bottle and instructions.

Basically how this works is you use it on dry hair. You spray the formula onto a strand (or even your whole head) and you flatiron the strand. The more you flatiron it, the more blonde it gets. Usually a few swipes did the trick but it took me a bit longer.

I wanted some natural honey blonde highlights to match my light brown hair.

What's so bad about this is first, you shouldn't flatiron damp or wet hair. Because flatiron is already terrible for your hair but when your hair is damp or wet, it is very weak. That is why you shouldn't comb your hair without a wide tooth comb when it's wet. 

Because I was cutting my hair the next day, I decided to do it to the ends of my hair for this slight ombre effect. 

The results were pretty nice but my hair was completely fried and crunchy. It was absolutely disgusting. I was so glad I was cutting my hair off afterwards.

I recommend this for virgin hair or hair that has been only dyed once or twice. It is absolutely not right for people with hair like mine. I dyed my hair often and experiment with bleaching way too much. I had a lot of split ends. It just makes everything worse. Not surprised though.

I still kind of like this. Maybe when I have healthy hair again ;)

Around 10$

I love Aussie because of their 3 minute miracle leave in conditioner (which I recently bought 2 more bottles).

This was on sale for around 3 dollars I believe. I looked up the reviews on Amazon and they were pretty good so I decided to get it.

It smells slightly strange. The cream is white and pretty thick. I wouldn't say it weighed down my hair but it didn't make my hair less frizzy or smooth. I don't have insane frizzy hair but my hair is not as together as I'd like. Does that make sense? My hair just kind of separates when I comb it. 

I don't recommend it. It doesn't do anything for me. Maybe it will work for other people though!

I really like this. A few of my ends are still crunchy from the Marc Anthony and I just put a little bit of this and blow dry it and it makes everything soft. Apparently the blow dry KIT was terrible and this is different. The reviews were pretty good and I got this because this was on sale also. I use this when I decide to blow dry my hair straight since I have wavy hair.

It does help keep the frizz down. For some reason, if I don't air dry my hair, my hair separates and gets frizzy. This minimizes it. It isn't a miracle product or my "HG" but it does help achieve less frizzy hair.

I'd say definitely check it out!

I believe I got this around 3$ too.

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