I finally picked out my BeautyArmy kit. I'm so sad whenever I pick out my BeautyArmy kit because I can never wake up early enough during the weekend to pick out something good and I never have time during the weekday in the morning to pick out my box. It's really weird. So, during the late afternoons, I just try to pick out stuff that I might like.
BeautyArmy turned 1! Therefore, they were giving out an additional sample. I had the choice between a Mark Brown Mascara and a Mark Black Mascara.
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Since winter started in December, my skin has been suffering from dryness. Hopefully this will really hydrate and protect my skin! If it works well, I might get the full-size. I'm always on the look out for a good moisturizer.
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The first time, I got the red color but from all my subscriptions, I ALWAYS get red gloss that I don't even use them all anymore. This pink color is so gorgeous and looks appropriate to wear for all occasions. I hope it smells nice! :)
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Not that excited for this one. But hey, it's always great to change up your hair routine once in a while! I might get surprised.
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I don't have any eye treatments or eye creams at the moment because I haven't hit that age where I need it.
But then, I have heard people who started using eye creams or even anti-aging products since they're 15. Sounds insane haha
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This seemed really interesting to me because I used to use an index card until I got too lazy to. Maybe this will be the same thing haha.
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I have yet to use any of the two eyeshadow I got from Whip Hand Cosmetics. All my subscription boxes from the past few months have been stacked in a box since I moved and I have so much to do!
I will get to it eventually!!
Just a full-size black mascara from Mark.
Surprisingly, I haven't looked up the reviews of any of these products. This makes it so much exciting to see which products I will enjoy without a previous judgment LOL
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