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eBay Ice Cream iPhone cases and Pearls

I saw on eBay this really cute case but then when I received it, it was more of a dark teal/green color which looks super weird. It was supposed to be a really cute baby blue color.

Sorry for the blurry photo but you can see the front is like ice cream melting down over the screen.

I got these pearls for decoden! I will show you guys the results in a post later on :) It's super cute!

Anyway I got the pink one instead because it looked cuter and you can't go wrong with pink.

Because the decoden items are importing from Japan, I didn't get to use the pearls yet.

Then seeing how the case matches with the pearls, I got tempted and then I sort of bling-pearled it.

I think it's cute! It adds an extra oompf to the case! I love having OOAK cases!

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