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How I fixed/disguised the hole in my Toms

I was super devastated when my grey Toms acquired a huge hole in the toe area. I really want to get new ones but at the same time I only had these for 1-2 years. Honestly though, the leather sole has cracked and died already but I continued to wear them. I mean, they're not that noticeable after walking in them for a while but they are still pretty bad. They are soooo comfortable but the quality doesn't last very long :(

Anyway, I knew I can't keep wearing my Toms with a hole in it so at first, I wanted to stud it. I tried to look for some cool patterns and designs online but found out that the hole was so big I couldn't even stud it.

I first sewed the hole close.

BUT. LOOK AT THIS. This is sooo noticeable.

It looks so bad and strange.



I painted over it! I painted cherry blossoms (sakura) all over it.

I did this for both shoes because it'd be weird if only one shoe had the flowers!

See! You can barely see the fixed hole anymore :) The thing that worries me is that I didn't bother buying fabric paint. I just found some acrylic paint and used that. I hope it doesn't crack or run or smudge haha.

If you have a hole in your Toms and you're decent at painting, you should give this a go. You could also be smarter than me and get fabric paint just to be sure. This was a really fun project. I planned it out on a white piece of paper and then just followed it as I painted on the Toms.

I didn't even wait a day to wear it because it dried so fast. I've gotten plenty of compliments on it so you should try it out if you dare x) It took several hours though!

Why spend like..90$+ to have someone paint it for you when you can do it yourself?!


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