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Influenster Cosmo Voxbox 2012

Hello once again! I am finally back!

The first thing on my list is this Influenster Cosmo Voxbox that I received in 2012 haha

Everything I will talk about is on here with details like prices!

This was everything that was in the box :)

This fragance is from Bath and Body Works. It really reminds me of Victoria Secret, especially the scent.
It's not your average sweet young fragrance Bath and Body Works usually carry- Aside from the occasional strong fragrance like the Cherry Blossoms anyway!

This smells really sexy and strong. I like musky perfumes and this was perfect. The best thing about it is that it is extremely strong and long lasting.

The con is that the cap is super annoying. It constantly keeps falling off. The design is super cute though.

I guess the solution to this con is to get a perfume bottle like the glass refillable ones and transfer it. I only do this with big bottles though so the cap is irritating haha.

I was so excited when I saw these. I had these in rainbow before and they were absolutely amazing.
When I was taking biology, I used them to write minuscule notes. The awesome thing about these is that they are erasable!! Works as advertised too. So, whenever I made a mistake, I have the comfort knowing that I can erase it.

The reason why I was so excited seeing them is that I haven't had my rainbow ones in a while and these are so, so, so awesome. They really do erase completely away. 

These are the erasers! They look stiff but trust me, it works sooo well.

I like how this is supposed to be a "Cosmo" voxbox but I'm so happy about the pens.

I love candy, especially chocolate. It's a curse, I know.

This was so yummy, I believe I finished it within three days of getting it.

I usually really, really hate nuts but this was so good that I ate it instead of trying to pick it out.

It really does add to the flavor. I absolutely love the sweet and salty taste. They remind me a bit of the Sea salt caramel macaroons I love to get in my local area.

It's so pretty!

Shaving items!

Apparently all venus blades fit all the razors. That's pretty cool because I'm used to using disposable ones.

Venus Embrace! It's supposed to "embrace" your curves and give you a smooth shave.

5 blades! It did give me a really good shave but I'm not really knowledgeable with my shaving razors. I never really bought razors myself. The first and last time I bought razors for myself was at the 99 cents store for a pack of disposables on a whim. After that, my sister gave me a 4 pack of Venus Twilight razors (not the movie/book hahah). Then, I've been using the razor I got from a subscription box (the hydro)....

Sad, isn't it LOL

What I'm really excited about in the shaving items is this!!

I have dry skin and since it's the winter, it has been worse! I've seen a few people with dinosaur hands, no lie and so I am doing any moisturizing I can to not reach that stage!

This was really weird. It's like a piece of soap on the top and bottom of the razor. It did feel like it was more moisturizing though so I just might try to get refills of this one! I love Olay haha.

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