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Tribal-inspired Nails

Two manicures ago, I decided to do some tribal designs and ended up with these:

All of them took me forever because all I had was tape and a toothpick.

The index finger,
 I did with tape. It took a while because I wanted it to be positioned properly and look even :)
The hot pink color from Andrea's Choice made up the design with a yellow background.

The middle finger,
I messed up a bit because I couldn't get it to the pattern I want but not bad! Pink rhinestone in the middle. The design is in gold with a peach background

The ring finger,
Is the most intricate looking one. I had gold dots, peach zig zags and pink stripes over another shade pink as the background.

The pinky finger,
I did gold pluses/crosses over a pink background.

Hope you like this one!

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