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Urban Outfitters Online Haul

A long while ago, Urban Outfitters had a free shipping sale. Fruitless, because I ended up getting so much stuff it would've been free shipping anyway.

Cute wing design on the sides :)


I love this top so much. The colors and the design is just perfect but the fabric wasn't.

It was super thin and see-through :( I had to return it.

It's so thin you can see the labels in the inside and see through to the other side even though this wasn't placed against the sun.

Cute rainbow design.

I really like the cutout in the back. It's not your usual shape.


The design is SOOO pretty and colorful.

It was too big for me though unless I drape it a certain way, it looks strange.

The hearts look better than the blurry pixels right? :D Looks extremely childish though haah.

I was really close to getting this because it was relatively flattering but decided it wasn't worth 14.99

My most favorite dress ever.

It looks boxy but when on, it fits perfectly. Not form fitting and not huge.

It's flowy and soft. People complain the head hole is too small, but it goes over mine easily. Either they have a huge head or I have a tiny one. I don't know but buy away! This dress garnered a bunch of compliments at the mall!

The cut in the front hits right above my cleavage.

The back cut is high enough you can wear a regular bra.


Super cute. It's mint color with a tiger/lion/cheetah/whateveritis design for the font.

This isn't a crop top because I sized up. It could be though.

The back is see though mesh.


This had a lot of good reviews. It was okay, nothing special. I thought it would've been prettier.

The bottom is pretty though.

I got it in white too.

It's quite pretty but nothing special. The sash is ugly.

I ended up returning both because they weren't all that.


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ElvenAngel said...

I know this was a long while ago, but do you remember how vibrant the green was? Was it like super bright, stand out green? Or is it a little muted?

Vienna said...

@ElvenAngel You mean the dress? It's a pretty bright green.

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