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Palty Macaroon Beige Review (and mistake story) and Palty Sakura Creamy results (month later)

So a while ago, I bought two boxes of Palty's Macaroon Beige because I wanted to go lighter for the summer. Well, summer is half way gone but whatever haha.

Around a month ago, I dyed my hair with Palty's Sakura Creamy. I'm really happy with the results but I wanted something a bit lighter. I'd probably keep Sakura Creamy for the springtime. Not too dark not too light. It held up pretty nice. I didn't get a shampoo and conditioner for color treated hair until I bought the Macaroon Beige and despite this, Sakura Creamy didn't fade at all. You did see around an inch of dark roots but it sort of blended really nice and gave my hair dimension.

I'll write about my experience and my mistake with the Macaroon Beige!

Anyway, so in my Marukai haul, I showed the boxes.

The color is pretty ashy blonde.

Let me show you my "before" hair first.

Excuse the messiness and the bra strap! But this was a quick photo I took before I dyed my hair with the Macaroon Beige.

As you can see, my hair is pretty fried at the ends! The color held up really nicely though. 

I took this picture near the window so the top is a bit darker and blue-r than the rest of my head.


After pictures.

This is right after. It's pretty close to the color on the box. 

This was taken under my bathroom light.

This was taken under sunlight. It's kind of a really really light brown.

This was taken under desk light.

As you can see, the color changes a LOT depending on where I take the picture.

A curl! Heatless. I was on YouTube searching ways to curl my hair without heat since I'm dyeing it so much!

Time for my mistake story!

So, I washed my hair TWO times with shampoo after I dyed my hair with the Palty dye but some how I missed this glob in the front. By the time I noticed it, 2-3 hours passed!

I suspected Palty had bleach in this dye because it lightened dark hair too. But wow. I did not know it was that strong. By the time I washed it out, my hair was super pale. That picture does not do the damage justice. My hair was stringy and breaking off. It was STRETCHY. It was terrible.

I'm just glad that it was in the front, so I cut the ones that were just REALLY damaged so they joined my front bangs. It's so blonde I didn't know what to do. I had some Manic Panic leftover from when I dyed my hair purple 2 years ago. I dyed the top part purple and it ended up blending into my other hair despite it being so dark a color and I dyed the bottom a turquoise.

This is what I got. It looks kind of green in the picture though. I washed my hair several times after dyeing it turquoise and it turned into this lime green/straw colored dark blonde. I'm either dyeing the top part blonde because it's just Palty then chops off to the color so it blends or just cutting it off or just dyeing it purple so it fades to a brown haha. 

I had to deep condition with my K-pak and then follow it up with Aussie's deep conditioner because my hair was so damaged. Because my hair is around my rib/waist area, I think I'm going to cut my dead ends off. Thank god for deep conditioners because my hair is still shiny and soft despite how much I abuse my hair!

So long story short, remember to REALLY REALLY take good care to wash ALL of Palty's hair dye off! I just got lucky that it's in the front so I noticed the dye and also I can cut it off if it's too damaged.

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